mis conception of love

 nowadays the modern world especially the youngsters have very big mis conception of love according to them love is means being beautiful from outside exchanging expensive gifts , spending hours and hours on phone , whole day roaming through the cities on the back of parents . Todays generation easily get angry with their partner and because of small misunderstanding get separated from each other if they love each other truily they will get back together or else they dont get back together . In modern world youngsters fall in love very quickly without knowing each other fully just few sweet chats and they fall in love with that particular person because of this many young generation is becoming depressed and ending their one life when that particular person cheats on that person . Todays modern world doesnt know the meaning of love . love is strong and pure feeling which comes straight from heart love is done by seeing that persons inner beauty not outisde beauty . Love is to care about each other and to share all  happiness and sadness together . Love is to keep ur partner always happy and to support ur partner in all situation . love is to trust ur partner and to doubt on ur partner . Love is to scarifice our bad habits to see ur partner happy . Love is to give time to ur partner which ur partner expects from you  love is that when ur loved ones happiness is more important than ur happiness . Love is to understand each other  when both side of love is true than worlds any power cant separate the true lovers who deeply and trulily love each other from bottom of their heart .

lines from 4 my love self published book by mahek naushad kadri

love cant be cant be described  
it has no shape , it has no form 
love is not a object 
love doesnt conform 

love enters our lives
The moment we are born 
From cradle to the grave 
Loves in everyone 

love burns like a candle 
That sometimes flickers but never dies
Love maybe invisible 
Although its right before your eyes 


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