BTS, also known as the Bangtan Boys, is a seven-member South Korean boy band that began formation in 2010 and debuted in 2013 under Big Hit Entertainment. The septet—composed of RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook—co-writes and co-produces much of their own output. Founded : 2013, Seoul, South Korea Origin : Seoul, South Korea (2013) Albums : Be , Map of the Soul: 7 , Wings , Love Yourself: Tear , MORE Awards : Mnet Asian Music Award for Artist of the Year , BTS is new global trending boy group . Their lyrics, often focused on personal and social commentary, touch on the themes of mental health, troubles of school-age youth, loss, the journey towards loving oneself, and individualism. Their work features references to literature and psychological concepts and includes an alternative universe storyline. The group has released several albums and performed on several world tours. Having sold over ...